In Between

A collaboration between All Change and four writers – Aoife Mannix, Joseph Coelho, Yemisi Blake and Sarah Butler.

They worked with three identified communities in North London to investigate the complex web of personal relationships to spaces and places in the city. London is a city in transition with people of all ages and from all over the world making their home or passing through. By day and night, from year to year, the population of the streets, the culture and fabric of the city, shifts and changes. In Between brought artists who are seeking to find and better understand their own place and role within society, together with communities in North London, to learn about each other, explore and express their ideas through a creative collaboration. These three writing residencies were supported by a fourth residency, which took a creative approach to exploring and advocating for the value of community-based residencies. A series of 4 publications, created by each artist, captured their creative exchanges and the story of the project.

Image from ‘A Biji’ publication by Yemeni Blake, designed by Magpie Studio

Image from ‘A Biji’ publication by Yemeni Blake, designed by Magpie Studio

Archive, 2006–2010All Change