A Gift from Cecilia Knapp

Thank you

(For Inspire)

For showing up.

For the circle

we sit in, each week

like a perfect fat sun,

for the fun, for your laughter,

like spring. For your voices

that overlap like hands holding hands.

For all the words you have written,

blooming on the page,

for all you’re yet to write,

for all you have to say,

for everything you’ve made.

For your sharp ideas

like stars, speckling the dark.

For telling us your stories,

for showing us who you are,

the little slices of your bright lives,

each one of you rare,

and beautiful and sparkling.

For being you.

For your dreams.

For your empathy.

For your refusal to judge.

For keeping each other safe,

for holding each other,

for being the most wonderful mothers,

trusting us with the small, warm bodies

of your children.

For showing us so much;

how to hold a sippy cup in one hand

and a pen in the other,

how to love so hard.

For dancing, for singing,

for carrying on.

For trying.

For being brave,

generous, kind, and tender,

scared, and real and honest,


For getting me out of bed

at the cruel end of the week.

We are the lucky few

who get to spend our Fridays with you.


Poet and playwright Cecilia Knapp works with All Change on our Inspire! and B Creative projects.

Suzanne Lee