Community of Fire

Associate Artists Francesca Beard (poet/playwright) and Leticia Valverdes (photographer) undertook a residency with the Pause project in Islington.

They have worked with a group of women to support them to explore their experiences and tell their stories through creative work. The artists’ approach has been to respond to the needs and interests of individual women, enabling them to develop skills and original work, including work which can be shared with a public audience, to promote better understanding of their stories and experiences. Work created has included photography and poetry which enables the audience to see and celebrate the world around us through the eyes of the women. A photoshoot with make- up and costumes and a trip to see the Cindy Sherman exhibition at the National Portrait Gallery explored the idea of using alter egos to explore and express how we can face challenges and tell our stories. Work has been shared through a pop up exhibition and performance at Autograph ABP for WORD2019 Autumn festival, and will be exhibited at council offices in Islington in 2020.

What’s On:

Photography and poetry from the project will appeared as part of Our Journey Continued - the first Pause exhibition, marking International Women’s Day 2020 @ The Mix, Rich Mix - Tuesday 10 March 2020 Open: 10am-8pm
